Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Adam Week 2 Email

Hello Everyone,
I finally found a computer that works! How lucky am I! So today has been great, actually, this week has been great. We had all the new Mission Presidents and their wives at the MTC this week. That meant that all of the First Presidency and 10 out of the 12 Apostles have been at the MTC this week. Unfortunatly, I only saw 8 out of the 12 and none of the first presidency... NUNCA! It was a little depressing because there were rumors all over saying that we were going to have sacrament, or preisthood with the Prophet. We did get to hear a talk from Elder Oaks, which was awesome. You could see how important the gospel is in his life by the way he felt about it. I hope that I can be a Spiritual Giant like he is.
So this week has been going great. Other than the great talk we hear, pretty much the same, except everyone was really squished. We had half of the amount of space for lunch. And we had to go out to the field for our gym time. I hated the field, because there's no Volleyball there. Well, there is, but the sand on the court is SO hot that you have to dig a hole for your feet so they don't get burnt off!
Here is a funny story/comment for everyone reading this. So, on wednesday last week we got new missionaries. None in my zone, but there were about 100 new ones. So i walked into dinner on wednesday and a bunch of the newbies are running around trying to figure out the lunch room when i was a litteral GIANT! We call him "Goliath". He is 7 feet tall and towers over everyone. Everyday at lunch and dinner take 30 seconds to scan the room for him and you can usually find him pretty fast. The best part is that we found another kid that is new who we named "David" because he is about 4 foot 8. I want to get them to stand next to eachother some day. I talked to "Goliath" today in the lunch line and found out that he is from Canada, played basketball for SUU, and has a size 16 foot. (That made me feel a lot better about myself.)
So we're getting roommates tomorrow. I'm really upset. I LOVED having a room to myself and Elder Whittaker. Well, we moved all of our stuff into the drawers and I'm really really upset. I have half the room, and twice the roommates. Oh well, that just means I have more opportunites to do service for them... right?
Everynight is still pretty cold as usual. I am getting used to it however and I don't need you to send me a blanket. If I really need one, I can get the janitor/housekeeper people to get me one. I will survive! My cold is going away. It started getting better last night and now I just have an annoying cough. It's practically gone though.
Another funny story, so today some of the Elders and I got bored. We hear a story from our teacher, Hermano Rupper the coolest teacher in the WORLD!, that you can break into rooms using floss, an envelope, a vaccuum chord, and a hangar. Here's how it works. You poke a hole in the envelope. Then you thread the floss through it and slip it through the top of the door. You lower the envelop until it hits the floor and you pull it out with the hangar. Take off the envelope, fold the vacuum chord in half, and tie the floss to it. Now you need to pull the floss out of the top of the door, which pulls the vacuum chord up. Once you get the chord over the doorknob on the inside, you start jerking the chord so that it moves the doorknob... which will open the door. It probably doesn't make sense, but we tried it. We got to the point where we were about to put the chord on the knob and this janitor walks by. He sees us and starts yelling "What are you doing? You know that if you get caught breaking into someone's room you can get sent home!!!!!" He was so mad, but it was so funny. We were all laughing so hard.
Well I love you all. Have faith in the Lord that He can help you and me through everything. I love it here and wouldn't want it any other way. The spirit is so strong and you can feel everyone's love for you always.

Love Always,
Elder Adam Paulsen

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