Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Adam - September 14, 2010

ello All!

How is everyone doing? Things are great here in Costa Rica again. The big news of the week is that I got my first baptism. I didn´t baptize her, but I helped teach her and I was there. Her name is Mariela, she is about 24, has a little 2-year old girl and another on the way. And she´s the daughter of the Branch President, so she has been around the chruch almost her whole life. I´m sure she´s had a lot of missionaries over and hear the lessons a lot so I think it´s cool that she finally accepted the invitation to be baptized. We visited her last night and all seems to be good. She was excited and so were we. That´s one down, and the rest of Costa Rica to go.

So yesterday was P-Day, but we had to go to San José AGAIN! I guess they do a 1 month review with all the missionaries. So yesterday I met up with all my friends from the MTC and we just talked about our trainers and how things were going. I loved it, it was so good to see all the guys from the MTC again and talk about all the things that we´ve been having a hard time with. Mostly everyone just said that they were frustrated with Spanish and our trainers weren´t very understanding with how hard it is. Almost all of us had a native comp so we were all in the same situation. It was just really nice to kind of vent about the things that have been bothering me.

Elder Portillo and I got in a little argument yesterday. Now that I look back at it, it was a little riduculous, but I got really upset. I don´t know why because I´m not that kind of person. I don´t like conflicts and I usually just go with the flow, but this time I was pretty set in my ways and wouldn´t budge. The argument was about some of the doctrine that Elder Portillo teaches. He likes to teach some doctrine that isn´t doctrine. For example, when E. Portillo teaches the Word of Wisdom, he says that Coke is against the W.O.W. When I heard this the first time I was a little blown away. I couldn´t believe he was teaching it, I mean, if it were against the W.O.W., then I need to repent. We do have a mission rule that the missionaries can´t drink it, but we shouldn´t teach that to the investigators. Well, we talked about it and he still feels like its bad, so I asked the mission pres yesterday. The judgement is... I´m right! Ha ha, Point for Elder Paulsen!

Well, all is well. Everyone sounds like things are going great. Dad, the whole new calling thing is getting me super excited. I can´t wait to hear what it is. Any guesses? I´m thinking bishop... I know it´s a stretch, but I think your ready. Well, sorry I don´t have time to answer all your questions this week. I got a little preoccupied with scripture covers. Well, I love you all and can´t wait to talk to you next week. Love you!

-Elder Adam Paulsen

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