Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Adam - July 13, 2010

Hey family,
It's day 24th day in the MTC and I'm coming up on my 1 month mark. I will have completed 1/24th of my mission in just a few days. Thats so weird to think that. Well, this week has been pretty boring. Everyday seems like the one before, but I love it here so much. You'd be suprised how different everyone acts here and how peaceful it is. Some of the more interesting things that happened this week... We got to hear an amazing devotional on Sunday. The speaker was Jenny Oaks Baker, a prestigeous violin soloist that graduated from Juliard. Oh, and did I mention that she is Dallin H. Oaks' daughter. She spoke and played her violin for the entire hour, and I felt like it was such a blessing to hear that peaceful, loving music. It's been really hard not to have any music to listen to here. I don't understand why they made the rule that you can't listen to it, but before Sunday, I would have died to be able to listen to some MoTab! And my prayer was ANWERED!!!! Let me tell you about the power of prayer. I asked for MoTab, and got a million times better. I loved listening to it. Oh man, I still can't get over it, and it was three days ago.
Our zone got a new district this week, they are really quiet and never come out of their rooms at night. They're like little mice, they are so anti-social, so I don't know much about them. They have three sisters though. They are a lot more social. Hopefully they will open up a little more to us. It's hard to enjoy the MTC when you don't have friends to talk to.
Spanish is coming along great. I still don't know how to congugate verbs very well, but I can get the point across. This week, I have to teach someone how to pray, and give them a short message about the power of prayer. Next week we have to teach the entire first lesson in spanish. Shoot me now! I don't understand how after five weeks someone thinks that we can not only talk to investigators, but teach them about the church. Pray for me! I know that I have the Gift of Tounges and if I put all my confidence and trust in the Lord, he will make it possible.
Here's a spiritual thought from one of my meetings this last week. Confidence in Latin translates to Con = With and Fid = Faith. Therefore, when we have confidence, we have faith in something. It can be faith in Jesus Crist, in God, in our leaders, or in ourselves. We need to know that we can do anything the Lord asks of us. I know that I can serve a mission. I don't have a doubt in my mind that I can because I wouldn't be here if the Lord didn't think I could. A great scripture that says this is 1 Nephi 3:7 (I don't have my scriptures with me but) It says something like this " I will go and do the things that the Lord hath commanded. For I know that the Lord giveth no commandment saveth he prepare a way to accomplish the things which he has commanded" Nephi had amazing faith in his Father and in God. He walked throught the desert multiple times and each time took multiple days, and he never doubted that he was doing the right thing. He had such great confidence in the Lord and I know I can have greater confidence like Nephi. Constantly strive to let your confidence grow and you will be blessed!!
I love you all and can't wait to read your letters!
Elder Adam Pete Paulsen

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