Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Adam - August 31, 2010

Hello family and Friends!

All is going well in Costa Rica. It´s still really hot, and rains a lot! Everything is going really well. I´ll start off with the cool experience I had this week.

So today is Tuesday, P-Day was yesterday and we had quite the experience. It started off at around 7:15. We got a phone call from our district leader, Elder Sorensen (The cousin of Justin Sorensen, and he played football at BYU), saying that we wanted to go to Monte Verde as a District. We didn´t have a lot of money left over because it was the end of the month, but we heard that the secretaries added all the money to our accounts that day for the month of September. We quickly went to the bank to check, but my new card didn´t work. I ended up using my personal card and took out 20,000 colones (40 bucks) and we headed back to the house. The other Elders showed up at our house at about 8:15 and we all headed out to the bus stop to Monte Verde, but right when we got out the door, the bus we needed left. We asked some of the Ticos when the next bus comes and they said not for another 3 hours or something, so we got a taxi and tried to catch it at the next stop. Yet again, another fail. We missed the bus again. We sat there for a while letting out our frustrations, when another bus came by... what the? We jumped on it and headed for the wonderful Monte Verde.

Monte Verde is a big tourist attraction in Costa Rica. It´s high up in the mountains, and has lots of rainforests and cool things like that. We took our 2 hour bus ride up through hills and mountains. All I can say is that I felt like I was riding in a Safari Jeep. The bus was rocking and bumping the whole time. We finally made it and when we got off the bus got horded by tourist company people. I couldn´t understand anything though because i was so distracted by how cool ( temperature-wise) it was there. I loved it! We followed one of the guys and he convinced us to do a ¨jungle hike thing¨. We took a taxi and got off at our destination. We started our journey through the crazy jungle. It was nuts, unlike anything I´ve ever seen in my life! There were huge trees with vines and moss and leaves everywhere. It was so GREEN! I hope i can send you some pictures. Our hike took about 2.5 hours, but we didn´t see much animal life. We saw a few bugs, catepillars, and spiders. But they were all pretty small and not too different than what i can see in the street. So we were all a little disappointed cause we didn´t see much, when.... we found some monkeys!!!!! MONKEYS!!! Thats what i´ve been waiting for! It was sweet. they were so high in the trees and we couldn´t see them that good, but they just jumped from treetop to treetop. What a cool experience. I don´t think i´ll ever forget it.

Well, we took the bus home, and didn´t make it back until about 5:15 so we didn´t have time to email. That´s why i´m sending it today.

Spanish is going pretty great. It gets pretty frustrating at times, but it´s slowing getting better and better. I can say pretty much whatever I need to, but it´s in a really weird way and I have a feeling that the people can barely understand me.

So everyone should be super proud of me. On sunday, we had lunch with an investigator and we had FISH. but get this, it wasn´t just some ordinary fish.... it was a deep-fried, skin, bones, fins, and tail. I ate most of it, until i had to eat around the spine. That grossed me out a little bit. I still don´t like fish though. ha ha

Everything is good, if i had to say i was craving anything, it´d be ranch. I miss ranch! and maybe some chocolate. These first two weeks have been hard because i haven´t been able to buy a lot of things. We didn´t get a lot of money, but now that I do, I´ll get to buy more things. I was talking with Elder Bateman from Copper Hills, and he said that his mom sends him mac n´cheese. That sounds so good right now. It´s such a simple thing, but they don´t have it here. The food is good though. Today I ate the most delicious steak I´ve ever had in my entire life! And we always eat rice and beans... Always. It´s growing on me.

Well, all is well. I had to give a preisthood blessing yesterday. I didn´t know how to annoint in spanish, but my companion helped me out luckily. It was cool. Well love you all. I love the work. It´s really hard, and results come really slowly. But I love it. love you all

Elder Adam Paulsen

P.S. I tried to send some pictures but the computer is really slow. Next week i´ll start it sooner. Sorry. Love you all!

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