Monday, August 23, 2010

John - August 23, 2010

nice thats good to hear that lana got a promotion. Alright well today is my P-Day! Monday. well let me start from the beggining, we got off the airplane when it was raining. We went through outside to meet our mission president, He is an awesome man. and very patient with all of our spanish hah. So he speaks some english and his wife does too. Our first dinner we went into a restaurant and had some little taco things. It was good. it would be like chiles in the states. I think i heard the whole dinner was like 20 bucks maybe. and we had about 18 people with us there. The mission president´s Assistants were there, Elder Evans and Elder Brotherson. He told us that he would be training one of us. He was an AP for 8 months. So we stayed at the AP´s appartment, if you can call that an apartment. hah it we slept on the floor those two nights, with pads, so it wasn´t terrible. But it was way hot! and hummid!
so then our second night here we had dinner at the mission presidents house. and wow is it nice! way nice, he has three daughters i think, the oldest is 14 or something. anyway that was way nice.
Okay so we Then had to wake up at 4 to get ready to go on the bus. 5 of us that were the new incoming missionaries are in my area. But only one Elder, Elder Hyde is in my zone, and a sister, Hermana Wilkes, its kinda funny adam would know her, because she was in his district back in the MTC for 3 weeks. anyway i found out that my comp was Elder Brotherson! crazy. He has said that the president never puts new gringos with a gringo trainer. But with our whole district he has put all of us with gringo comps. So we got onto the bus, and left my companion, Elder Harvey, ha good-bye Elder Harvey and Hello Elder Brotherson. I like this change. Ha sad but true. Elder Brotherson is the bomb, i like him a lot. He is way funny. anyway we got into our room around 6 that night. the place was a mess. Lets just say the living standards are a little lower than in the US hah. Its okay though. we are doing good in the area. We have two people set for baptism for the 28th of this month. Ha i can´t really say that its my baptism because in the lesson, i don´t talk much. Since I´ve gotten here I´ve realized how much spanish i don´t know. HA . Yeah but its getting better already. The first day i got in here i could not understand a word the people were saying. But last lesson we were in i was picking up on a lot of what they were saying. Oh and those two people for baptism were already people the Elders were working on before we got here. So they aren´t really ours to begin with. but thats okay.
So the people here are really humble. They have a ton of problems with marrige and getting divorces. In this country its really hard to get a divorce. Right now we are working with a family who the parents need to get married. Get this the dad is like 70 and the mom is like 36 gross right? wierd. Well anyway they live in one big shack that has like 8 beds in it with a table in the middle. They live in humble circumstances, lets say. Its wierd most people here have like tvs and stuff but there housed are crap. I think they have their priorities a little mixed up. hah but the people are willing to listen so thats cool. well its about time i got off.
Right well if you had to send a package, i would send it to the mission office, and fill it with wet wipes, cristal light, and life savers. Hah yeah thats about the only thing that i need. Don´t send it to our house, because i don´t even know the address to our house. so i don´t know how you would send it there. Its okay to send it to the mission office, because the mail system here in El Salvador is pretty secure, its just getting it through mexico that might be the problem. So put some pictures of Jesus on it, and it should be fine.
If you want to look at where i am, The main city that is closest is San Vinceti or something like that. The house is about an hour bus right away from that. Our area is called nonualco, or something close to that.
Well i´ve got to get off and write a letter to the mission president. Bye Love you all. -Elder John Paulsen

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