Monday, October 11, 2010

John - October 11, 2010

Hello everybody,
Wow dad 2nd councler on the bishopric!! wow that is way awesome! Hah, That is so cool, i could just picture dad sitting up on the stand, next to the bishop and all. So cool. and wow your 3nd calling, it seems like more than three callings, but no your right. Oh by the way can you send me an email telling me about why you came to utah for school and not anywhere else, dad? I know you´ve told me, but i want to hear all of it. Also how you came to know this church was true. I know the outside picture, but i want to hear how it happened inside:)
Well yes things here are probably getting dryer, i never really know because as misionaries we can´t watch news or anything, so im out of the loop on everything. But it hasn´t rained here in like a week almost two, which is really wierd so it must be the dry season now. Plants are still as green as can be. I don´t know if i´ve told you before, but this place is just exploding with plants and everything. Anywhere there is dirt, basically there is something trying to grow there. Also there are a ton of raoaming dogs, the trick to get them to stop barking at you or stop approaching you is to bend down like your going to pick up a rock to throw at them, and they will run away.
Umm, so about general conference, yeah i loved the talk from Elder Uctdorf about ¨don´t enhail¨ also like all the talks in the priesthood session were awesome!
Hah so a little story for you about how hummid it is here, well. In the States ya know how gum is really stiff and keeps its form, ha well here it is so soft and floppy. Like if i keep it in the wrapper and hold it on one end, the top will just flop down to the bottom. but yeah, also paper here is really soft, because of the moisture in the air.
well yeah, ha so this week Our compaƱero mayor... older companion, superior companion, no... ha sorry im having a hard time recalling what this is in english. well anyway since Elder Ramos had his nose surgery, he can´t go procoliting with us, Elder Linares and I. So its been him and me. Ha two missionaries who have the same amount of time in the mission, almost 4 months. But it seems like this whole next week he will still have to stay indoors. Wow its wierd to say i´ve been out here for 4 months. 4 Months.... wow. well i love this area im in. The family, Familia Palacios, that E. Brotherson and i baptised really likes us, they always say that we have a special place in their hearts :) They are an awesome family and i like them a lot. They have a two year old son, Alberto, and everytime we go over to teach them something i play a little bit with him. I like it, it reminds my of my days at Dimple Dale (Dell?). Anyway i like it and they say that he loves it! well... I´m not really sure what else to write... i love you all!
oh also if anyone want to make contact with me, it could be a good idea to send me an email instead of normal mail, because normal mail takes so long. Oh by the way tell the Olsen´s that i recieved Emma´s letter. ha that she sent about a month and a half ago. I doubt she is still in town.
-Elder John Paulsen-

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